Panel: New Approaches to Megagame Networks

Sunday 12th February
17:00 – 17:45 GMT

Panellists: John Mizon, Lee Yancy and Rob Grayston

Over recent years, many new megagame networks and communities have sprung up, and each one has found a slightly different way to support designers, attract players and put on games. What challenges have these groups faced and what ideas do they have to share with us?

Hosted by Becky Campbell-Ladley (BeckyBecky Blogs), our panel features:

Attending the seminar

MegaCon 2023 is free of change. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

If you would like to support MegaCon, please consider donating (suggested donation: £5).

Panel: The Evolution of Play by Email Games

Sunday 12th February
15:00 – 15:45 GMT

Panellists: Maggie Dunbar, Steph Rothman and Stu Hall

Maggie, Steph and Stu – all three members of OMEGA’s Steering Committee and two co-hosts of the Control Panel podcast – are here to chat with you about play by email games! OMEGA has been experimenting with this format for about 2 years now, and games run under their banner have gone through a lot of changes since its inception.

This panel is designed around briefly discussing what a play by email game is, before focusing on their history and changes, “expert tips” for players, and game design. The host for this panel is Chris Brown (Megagame Assembly, Very Large Huge Games).

Attending the seminar

MegaCon 2023 is free of change. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

If you would like to support MegaCon, please consider donating (suggested donation: £5).

Panel: Too Many Designers…?

Sunday 12th February
14:00 – 14:45 GMT

Panellists: Patrick Rose, Tim Campbell-Ladley and Zane Gunton

Some designers are lone wolves, but some choose to design their games with others – be it a partnership, a small group, or a larger team. What are the pros and cons of each arrangement, and how do they work together to get the game to table?

Hosted by Ed Silverstone (Reading Megagames), our panel featured:

Attending the seminar

MegaCon 2023 is free of change. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

If you would like to support MegaCon, please consider donating (suggested donation: £5).

Panel: Trends in Themes for Megagames

Sunday 12th February
12:00 – 12:45 GMT

Panellists: Bernie Ganley, Jim Wallman and Seumas Bates

Are there recognisable changes in theme over time for the megagaming community? Do the designers cause these trends, or do players? What are the benefits to being “on trend” with your theme?

Our panel, hosted by Megagame Assembly‘s Harrison Tatem-Wyatt, discuss this thought-provoking topic:

Unfortunately due to an admin error, the recording for this session is not available.

Attending the seminar

MegaCon 2023 is free of change. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

If you would like to support MegaCon, please consider donating (suggested donation: £5).

Panel: Narratives and Stories

Saturday 5th February
14:15 – 15:15 GMT

Panellists: Alex Beck (Horizon Megagames), Johan Olofsson (Gothenburg Megagames), Kyle Tinga (OMEGA)

Tickets: MegaCon ticket

Stories are at the heart of many megagames, but there are lots of different ways to tell stories. How do you involve players, and create a story that is satisfying?

The panel will be hosted by Ed Silverstone and will featured:

Attending the seminar

To attend, you will need to purchase a MegaCon ticket. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

Panel: Behind The Scenes of Megagame Facilitation

Sunday 6th February
13:30 – 14:30 GMT

Panellists: Bernie Ganley (Megagame Makers), Darren Green (Crisis Games), John Cleveland (West Coast Megagames)

Tickets: MegaCon ticket

What does a good megagame facilitation team look like – and how do you prepare to give your players the best experience possible?

The panel is hosted by Ed Silverstone (Reading Megagames) and will feature:

Attending the seminar

To attend, you will need to purchase a MegaCon ticket. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

Panel: The Megagame Museum

Friday 4th February
21:15 – 22:15 GMT

Panellists: Alex Beck (Horizon Megagames), BeckyBecky Campbell-Ladley (BeckyBecky Blogs) and Dillon Burke (Wellington Megagames Collective)

Tickets: MegaCon ticket

If there was a museum of megagames, what would you imagine would be in there? Rulebooks from games perhaps, or maybe some of the best components? Join Patrick Rose as he opens the “Megagame Museum” with the help from a panel of megagamers from across the megagaming spectrum.

The panel will feature:

Panel host Patrick Rose is the treasurer for the Pennine Megagames group that run games in the north of England, and designed the pre-cyberpunk megagame Running Hot.

Attending the seminar

To attend, you will need to purchase a MegaCon ticket. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

Panel: Running a Megagame Network

Saturday 5th February
11:00 – 12:00 GMT

Panellists: Dave Boundy (Megagame Makers), John Mizon (SW Megagames), Nellie Seale (Melbourne Megagames)

Tickets: MegaCon ticket

How do some of the biggest, longest running and most successful megagame networks work? How do they tackle challenges like designer drain and pandemics? Different networks, groups and communities around the world are managed in different ways, and this panel seeks to shine a light on some of the complexities, for anyone hoping to help out an existing network or found a new one.

The panel will feature:

The panel is hosted by BeckyBecky Campbell-Ladley, who has previously been Chair of Pennine Megagames and so knows many of the challenges that megagame networks face. Bring along any questions you have to this interactive panel.

Attending the seminar

To attend, you will need to purchase a MegaCon ticket. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.

Panel: Accessibility in Megagames – Unseen Disabilities

Saturday 20th March
20:00 – 21:00 GMT

Speakers: Matt Bambridge with guests (Mr Megagame)

Filmed during: MegaCon 2021

The Equality Act (2010) considers any long term condition that has a substantial impact on the person to be a disability. How aware are we that the majority of those disabilities are unseen? In this panel we will talk about unseen accessibility issues in megagames, and how we can make accommodations to make megagames an open environment for all.

Matt Bambridge aka Mr Megagame will be chairing the panel. He has dyslexia and has suffered from depression at various points in his life, so brings some personal experience to the panel.

Join Mr Megagame and guests Becky Campbell-Ladley, Jen Steel and Thom Kirkwood for an open conversation around the unseen issues that can affect accessibility in Megagames, and some suggestions around how we can make them more accessible for everyone.

Panel: Habits of Highly Effective Megagamers

Saturday 20th March
12:00 – 13:00 GMT

Speakers: BeckyBecky Campbell-Ladley with guests (BeckyBecky Blogs)

Filmed during: MegaCon 2021

So you want to be a megagamer? Not just a sit-in-the-background ignore-the-aliens stay-unmarried don’t-go-to-war megagamer, but one of the ones whose anecdotes will be told across the world, whose mere name will strike fear into the hearts of opponents and excitement into the hearts of teammates.

But there’s no one right way to megagame! On this panel, BeckyBecky, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective Megagamers, is joined by four megagamers with a range of styles: Anthony Howgego (min-maxer), Matty Robinson (roleplay and fun-first), Seumas Bates (creative and collaborative) and Tim Campbell-Ladley (STICK TO THE BRIEF!). They discuss their top tips and advice for playing games in a way that is both interesting for them and fun for those around them.