Sunday 7th November
20:00 – 21:00 (GMT)

Panellists: Owen Kingston (Parabolic Theatre), Elynor Kamil

Hosted by: BeckyBecky Campbell-Ladley (BeckyBecky Blogs)

Our November MegaCon Mini looked at some hobbies that have commonalities with megagaming to see what we can learn from them.

Chaired by MegaCon’s own BeckyBecky, we brought together experts from various hobbies:

  • Owen Kingston, immersive theatre Artistic Director from Parabolic Theatre
  • Elynor Kamil, weapons-free LARP designer

These hobbies had similar niche roots to megagames, but have managed to achieve better commercial success and cultural awareness than megagames. Our panellists discussed positioning or promotional ideas they have for how megagames can follow in their hobbies’ footsteps, and also whether there are any interesting design ideas they believe could lead to even better megagaming events in the future.

As always, #the-pub and the Designer’s Lounge in the MegaCon Discord server will be open after the event for further discussion. Please note that since Daylight Saving Time will have ended by this event, you may need to double check the event start time in your own timezone.