Saturday 5th February
12:15 – 13:00 GMT
Speaker: Jim Wallman (Stone Paper Scissors)
Tickets: MegaCon ticket
Jim has often said “no game survives first contact with the players”. In this session Jim will talk about a few of the things he has learnt about facilitating megagames (often through trial and error), and illustrate this with examples of challenges from real megagames he has run and how they were approached. There will be a Q&A session at the end to bring your facilitation problems and thoughts.
About the speaker
Jim Wallman is a professional game designer with over thirty years’ experience in the serious game design field. He has worked extensively with the corporate, public, educational, recreational and voluntary sectors, designing and delivering a wide range of games, such as in support of academic research, on social issues and map wargames & concept development games for the UK Defence community. Additionally active in designing command and decision games covering issues such as political crises, social media and influence, strategic planning, cyber defence and civil disorder.
Jim’s background and education is primarily in the social sciences, psychology and military history fields, with a particular interest in the development of immersive and emerging gameplay. Jim has run over 120 megagames and created over 65 unique megagame designs.
Attending the seminar
To attend, you will need to purchase a MegaCon ticket. The seminar will take place in Zoom and a link will be provided to all sessions within the MegaCon Discord.