Saturday 20th March
16:00 – 00:00 GMT
Game runner: Kurt La Rue, Splintered Realities
Game designer: John Mizon, South West Megagames
Held during: MegaCon 2021
Den of Wolves is a game investigating the interactions between politics and survival during a time of crisis. Players represent the vessels in the “Survivor Fleet” – a group of surviving vessels fleeing from a catastrophic attack. The players are attempting to survive with constrained resources and competing priorities. Some players are civilians whilst others are representing government and military elements of the fleet.
The game blends both ‘Political’ (talking and negotiating) and ‘Operational’ (decisions, units, and resources) gameplay. Some roles are exclusively Political, while others have a much greater focus on Operational matters. In general, players should expect a significant amount of resource management and player-to-player negotiation and discussion, with a small amount of unit positioning and combat.
Megagames would not occur without a Facilitation Team to run the game. The diverse group facilitating this running of Den of Wolves come to you from all across the globe and all walks of life. Think of them as Game Masters or Moderators for the Megagame.
New to megagames? Den of Wolves is a great place to start. Visit the Splintered Reality website for more details on the game.